This interview is originally from 2007 and was published at Tinfoil Music Magazine. It was among the "lost interviews" and we've just recovered them and are posting them all. Bobby Ferrara, unfortunately, passed away a year after this interview posted. The info on that, and more about him, can be found HERE. I've included a comment that was retrieved on the original web-site, but was unable to retrieve any others. Monday, 17 December 2007 07:12 ========================= Well, we've been down for a while, but we're back now with an all new interview (albeit one conducted about this time last year). This time it's shred-master Bobby Ferrara. Check it out! 1) What are your current projects? Currently I am in the process of gathering players for a CD I am composing of so far eleven tracks. It compiles many speed licks and tricks.. lol and carries mostly a European vibe. As this is the market I am aiming for in the release of the project. As a side project I am creating a CD for charity, in works with the Star Light Foundation for Terminally ill children. Besides for pleasure, there are many healing benefits to music, and I am very honored to be able to share a little light to those less fortunate. 2) How does this (do these) differ from your past work? In the past I didn't see a need to release a CD, I thought the last thing the world needed is yet another "shred" CD, especially in a market that turned away from my sort of playing. I feel it's a good time now to release a CD, the overseas market is starting to jump again, it will be a overseas release only with of course opportunities to purchase directly from my current website. 3) Do you have one project that you are most proud of as a guitarist? To be honest, I believe it is the one I am currently working on now. It is a personal and heartfelt project, and I believe one that can bring a little magic into the lives of the kids and families of those suffering from chronic illness. 4) Can you give our readers a run-down of your basic gear (live and/or studio), and do you have a favorite piece of gear? I'm back to using my Moded Marshalls, I use three Modified by Mark Cameron, and a fourth Modified by John Suhr. I'm also using a few heads from Kasha Amplifiers, the Kasha heads are scary, I can switch on the fly from EL34s to 6560s at a flip of a switch. I have a large rack being built by Lyle Caldwell, Lyle's work is nothing short of amazing. I have 3 shelves with pedals from Richard Ollmann, Dytone, Meh,and Goudie. I was lucky enough to hook up with a Guitar Company that builds some of the best guitars on the planet, I will have a ton of photos and a video on my website soon. The company is called Grem Guitars out of Fort Wayne, IN. I also have a Signature Pickup that is hand made in the UK by Krozka-Sharpe custom pickups. It's the cleanest, meanest little monster you'll ever hear. As far as my favorite? That would have to be my Grem Guitars and my new pickups!! 5) Who would you cite as early influences, and who are you favorite new players? Ace Frehley when I was a kid. Forget it, it was nothing but Ace!!! Today? I couldn't list them all here, there's too many. There are so so many great players. 6) Can you give a few tips to aspiring players? Practice clean, no distortion... and remember how important good vibrato is. It's no secret. Practice slow and clean, and work your speed up slowly. I use a 2.0 pick, when I hit a note - its getting hit!!! Hahaha! 7) What are your future plans? Well, it looks to be a busy and productive year, my wife and I are currently relocating to Austin, TX. The music scene is ripe and I look forward to the creative vibe and contacts. Besides the CD for chronically ill children, and charity work (working with the Starlight Foundation and playing for the sick in local hospitals in Texas). The completion of my new CD "Redemption" which will include players to be disclosed at a future time, dedicates most of my time and energy presently. Other then that, just to stay peaceful and happy. 8) Thanx for talking to us, Bobby! My friend, thank you ,and do take care! Comments One Great Friend 1 Sunday, 02 March 2008 09:24 Jim Colwell Bobby sure could shred, I was grateful that I was able to get a few lessons from him, He gave me a whole new meaning to playing the guitar that I will never forget. I have never heard anyone play as fast and clean as Bobby! |
A taste from where the four winds amuse, to communicate, to enlighten, to entertain......
Thursday, March 30, 2017
GUITAR GODS: Bobby Ferrara
Guitar Gods,
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