Friday, December 14, 2012

"Artists at the Edge: Natasha Vita-More"

-- David "Skinny Devil" McLean
first published at Tinfoil Music
Friday, 11 August 2006 08:30

For those who already know of Natasha Vita-More, no introduction is needed. For those unfamiliar with her, suffice it to say she is a HUGE thinker not just in the world of technology, but in the world of ideas. Her scope goes far beyond one or two focus groups and covers art, technology, fashion, science, politics, sex, religion...from primitive past to brilliant & kaleidoscopic future.

Natasha sculpts her body and her mind with old-fashioned work and new-fangled technologies, and gazes into the future with dazzling clarity. She is award-winning artist, actress, author, speaker, television show host. She holds a BFA from University of Memphis, MS from University of Houston (Future Studies), and is a Ph.D. candidate at University of Plymouth. She holds certificates from the AMFA as nutritionist & personal trainer, from Blackstone School of Law in paralegal studies, HTML writers Guild in animation. She was president of the Extopy Institute from 2000-2006 (ExI officially "closed it's doors" earlier this year), is founder & director of Transhumanist Arts & Culture, honorary vice-chair of the WTA, & sits on the council of advisors for the Alcor Foundation. She has delivered speeches to hundreds of thousands at various conferences around the world, been interviewed by newspapers like the New York Times & Village Voice and magazines as diverse as Wired, US News & World Report, and Harper's Bazaar. She has appeared in television & film for over 20 years and her artwork has been exhibited from coast to coast in the US as well as Europe and Japan, and her bio is featured from the Who's Who to Kurzweil AI.

In short, she is a brilliant artist and futurist. In the expanding world of transhumanism, extropianism, and art, she is a legend. She has been married to the equally brilliant strtegic futurist Dr. Max More since 1996, and though she was born mid-way through the last century, she looks like an Olympic athlete half her age.

I had the chance to speak to Natasha recently (note: this interview took place in the spring of 2006), so here is the first of a 2-part series. Hang on - it's a wild ride.....

''GUITAR GODS: Randy Ellefson''

-- David Skinny Devil" McLean
originally published at Tinfoil Music
Date: Tuesday, March 22 2005 @ 02:25:56 GMT

Instrumental rock guitarist Randy Ellesfon has a flowing, almost lyrical style of playing that places song above chops. That said, Rand has plenty of chops for the die-hard shred fan! With a Bachelors of Music in classical guitar (Magna Cum Laude), a couple of tasty endorsement deals (Peavy & Alvarez), and a new CD, "The Firebard", Randy is on a mission to spread the Gospel of Guitar.

"The Firebard", which was released in late 2004 in Guitarosity Records, is a nod to Randy's bout with tendonitis, which took away his playing for 5 years. Ultimately, Randy conquored it and is currently in rehearsals with his new band for a series of performances.

He is also a prolific teacher, with monthly columns at Guitar-Guitar and guest columns at IBreatheMusic, Guitar-9, and other top guitar-centric sites.

Check out the review of "The Firebard" and be sure to visit his web-site for up-to-date information, mp3s, tabs, articles, videos, and other cool stuff!

I had a chance to speak with Randy recently. Check it out!

David "Skinny Devil" McLean on WKYT

"....the top YMCA led guitar program in the country and the national model for other YMCAs..." (and did he mention only one of 3 guitar programs ever sponsored by Gibson?).